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06-27-2007 03:53:12

These directions are for Wacintaki, but they are very similar to the procedure required for Wax Poteto:  Installation

You can only set up a database through your server's control panel.  FunPic only allows you one database, and you have to give it a password for access (this password is typed into the oekaki's installer).  The name of the database, and the username for accessing the database are set by FunPic, and are visible in the FunPic control panel once you activate MySQL.

Once MySQL is active, and you have the access information, you just type that into the oekaki installer, and the oekaki will put all the required information into the database.

The actual files for the oekaki have to be uploaded with an FTP program (a list of them is here:  Manual).  Once the files are on the server, just go to your web browser and view the site.  It will redirect you to the installer.

06-27-2007 01:39:12

I'm an eleven year old trying to create an oekaki on funpic, yes it is possible if you're 11, my friend created like 4. xD Anyway, how do I get my files INTO the MySQL client thing? o-o;;

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