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06-28-2010 15:39:24

Why am I banned, AGAIN. I only have one account,  'You were banned for malicious use of the OekakiPoteto'
Please unban me I didn't do anything. 0.0

09-01-2009 22:04:31

Do you know your IP by chance?

08-15-2009 20:32:44

Please, Im going  to go crazy w/o That website!!

08-15-2009 20:29:22

Hello, My little sister was being dumb and commenting rudly on SSO, My Computers ISP address was Banned. I did Nothing at all wrong! We each have different files on the computer. Would you please unban my account!?

06-24-2007 20:28:33

Thanks, I'll post that somewhere on the drawing pages for everyone to reference~ big_smile

06-24-2007 14:08:58

That might be related to the Java cache, then.  Cache is always a problem.

Rather than restart the computer, you can experiment with clearing the Java cache.  Go into your PC's control panel, and open up the panel for Java.  Click the "General" tab, and then under "Temporary Internet Files", click the "Delete Files" button.  That's for the latest version of Java, though.  Older versions of Java have the cache settings pretty well buried.

06-24-2007 12:39:41

I just recently found out that when shi-painter errors, restarting your computer fixes it a lot. Even when the animation is errored and retouching deletes half the picture, restarting fixes that all up. =O

06-23-2007 09:49:37

Ah I see, yes it was in shi-painter. Apparently they can draw properly in it now though. =S Thank you for explaining that~ ^^

06-23-2007 06:09:52

This is ShiPainter, right?

My best guess is that the animation is corrupt.  ShiPainter has a VERY annoying problem where if you try to import a canvas and an animation at the same time, the picture will be totally screwed up.  As a result, Wacintaki/Wax imports only the animation if available, or only the canvas if there is no animation.  If the animation is corrupt, you'll get a blank canvas.  The only solution at the moment is to download and re-upload the image, which gets rid of the animation so the applet can retouch the actual picture.

I haven't gotten around to making a hack where an artist can choose which canvas to edit.  Unfortunately, it looks like both PaintBBS and ShiPainter are no longer being updated, so it's not likely that this bug will be fixed.

06-22-2007 16:35:38

Is the image larger than the largest canvas size you allow?


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