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05-06-2005 19:14:55

thx a lot !!

03-28-2005 18:28:52

big_smile horray!
Works like a charm
That wasn't bad at all ^-^ *kisses to Waccoon*

03-26-2005 21:27:35

Nuts.  There is an admin flag check.  I forgot I used a special admin flag for the upload script (which is all being redone for 1.2.0).

In the functions.php file, search for this line:


// Collect animation if it exists
$have_animation = 0;
if ($_FILES['animation']['tmp_name'] && $is_admin) {

and delete " && $is_admin".  That will allow animations to upload properly.

03-25-2005 21:07:04

Yeah I used the patch, and I figured that was pretty much all (I guess functions.php was just a second guess) XD
one thing though, I tested it out with a general user account, and it just doesn't post [view animation]  on the post, so I'm not sure what's up with that. It just probably needs to be coded so it prints the corresponding file etc.
Probably like you said, usabilty issue and it can be fixed.

Thanks <3 <3

03-23-2005 17:55:44

I figured there might be a usability issue with that feature since there's no way to check if the animation is valid.  I don't really see any harm in allowing that feature, though, so I'll change it in 1.2.0.

In the meantime, people using 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 can use this patch. …

03-22-2005 15:41:52

Someone pointed this out on my board that they couldn't upload animations.
XD Being an admin I didn't see that regular users didn't have the access I did with upload.
This is probably a simple solution, but would it be possible to allow all users to upload animations along with their picture?
I would think you have to take away the admin only restictions, but I have no idea where they are in the code.
All I know is that there is one in functions.php and upload.php


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