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06-14-2007 12:18:23

*feeds you cookies* Everything is working again. Thanks so much! big_smile

06-14-2007 02:21:07

Sigh.  I fixed that link for you.  wink

Keep in mind that since you've updated the file manually, Wax may no longer have file permissions to edit it.  To be safe, CHMOD both the hosts.txt and ips.txt files to 664.

MySQL database for the oekakis is set to 4.1 and it installed alright.

Yeah, that should be fine.

My question is, are the disconnects a result of something coming from my server, or is it the way the new chat is programmed, or something else? Is there anything I can do on my end to prevent the constant disconnections?

Unfortunately, no.  A true chat requires a dedicated process on the server, which must be installed either by a system administrator or someone else with shell access.  This is not available on many servers, especially free ones.  The people who developed OekakiPoteto developed a substitute based on PHP persistent connections, but depending on the server, these will time-out within 30 seconds to a few minutes, forcing you to reconnect.  There is no way to get around this limitation.

Frankly, the chat room is a HUGE bandwidth hog.  It should be obsoleted, or at least rewritten so it doesn't use the standard template, which is what causes it to use so much bandwidth.

As for the login issue with Safari, check the other thread.

06-13-2007 12:12:31

Waccoon wrote:

First, get this updated functions.php file for v5.5.13:  functions.php.

The link to the file is dead. I thought perhaps you missed the "m" in "forums" in the link, but that didn't work either. Funny error page, though;-)

Waccoon wrote:

If you're not sure what PHP you're using, then use MySQL 4.1 and see if it works.  If it doesn't work, you'll be told right away that a database connection can't be made, and the installation will fail, so you won't have to worry about your board suddenly dying.

I searched high and low and could not figure out what version of PHP my server is using. I found a blurb that said they support both versions, but my database is set up for Linux (I guess that's better than Windoze and closer to Mac?) and MySQL database for the oekakis is set to 4.1 and it installed alright. I still can't get the ban by IP feature to work in Wax 5.5.13, but I found that if I manually open the ips.txt file and type the IP there, it saves it. I don't know if it is actually keeping the bugger out, but it saves their IP. If I use the Ban List feature, as soon as I click "Edit" it erases the ban list data. So it's inconvenient, but I did find a work-around.

Waccoon wrote:

I'm very sorry to hear that you lost everything.  If you run into any other problems, let me know right away, because a lot of things can usually be repaired.

I had no idea you would be available to help users in this way. This is really incredibly kind and generous of you:-) And since you are so kind, may I ask one more functionality question? When I set up the second okekai at  -Wax 5.5.13-, I also installed the new chat that was packaged with it. I LOVED the new features, and that it reads top to bottom, but it kept disconnecting everyone every couple of minutes. It's easy to click the "Reconnect" button, but very disruptive that it does that. So I deleted it an installed the old chat. My question is, are the disconnects a result of something coming from my server, or is it the way the new chat is programmed, or something else? Is there anything I can do on my end to prevent the constant disconnections?

06-13-2007 04:13:46


First, get this updated functions.php file for v5.5.13:  functions.php.  I read your other post about 5.5.13 not working in Safari -- I have a Mac, so I'll check that out.

The database issue refers to the big (and dumb) MySQL change.  MySQL 5 uses a new authentication method which is incompatible with MySQL 4 clients (such as PHP 4.2).  If you set up a MySQL 5 database, it's possible that it will not work with PHP4.  Which version of PHP you have is the key.  If your server uses PHP4, then use MySQL 4.1.  If you have PHP 5, then use MySQL 5.0.  The fact that the MySQL and PHP version numbers are similar is a coincidence -- the MySQL client version is what matters.

If you're not sure what PHP you're using, then use MySQL 4.1 and see if it works.  If it doesn't work, you'll be told right away that a database connection can't be made, and the installation will fail, so you won't have to worry about your board suddenly dying.

I'm very sorry to hear that you lost everything.  If you run into any other problems, let me know right away, because a lot of things can usually be repaired.

06-11-2007 11:50:34

It started with a vanished IP ban list. The files were there, but all the IPs I have entered over the years were gone. And one of those banned ex-members had taken to hanging around my chat and then reporting the contents elsewhere. So last night I joined this forum and did a search for threads about IP ban troubles and followed the adviced of every post that seemed to offer a solution. I downloaded the updated version of wax (was running 5.5.12), and the perm.php, wax_locks.php, and reclaim.php files and followed the associated instruction. I tried to log into my host server and change the permissions in MySQL, but they changed the format, and I couldn't figure out how to do it this time. I ended up deleting MySQL database, creating a new one, redownloading the original Oekaki Poteto 5.1.5aa and installing that. I checked the ban list feature, and it worked, so I proceeded to download the mod for Wax Poteto 5.5.13 and reinstalled that, and my ban list is not functional again:-( I love the mod, the features, everything but the defunct ban list. Is it possible to update the original software, but not the ban list? I tried reinstalling the original, and then adding the Wax mod san-banlist.php and banned.php but I got error messages when I tried to use my ban by IP feature. Please help, my members are going to be chewing my ears off about how much they miss the oekaki (everything was erased) but before I go about trying to get everyone reregistered, I need to make sure the ban feature is secure. Any advice is much welcomed!

My oekaki is located at

Also, does it matter if the SQL Database is set up as 5.0 or 4.1? It's giving me the option, when I create a new database, between the two.


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