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05-22-2007 05:58:21

If I use the default "localhost" as the database domain, it says it can't connect to the MySQL server.

"localhost" is when the server that hosts your web page also runs the SQL database, or if there's a local patch-through.  If the SQL database is on an entirely different computer, then "localhost" won't work.  You'll need a specific address.  Obviously, this is the case on your server.

Why it's telling you to upgrade SQL is a mystery.  I find it unlikely that PHP and MySQL are either out of date or mismatched.

What you can try right now is to edit your "dbconn.php" file to give you a more specific error message.  Change this line:


$dbconn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die('Could not connect to the MySQL database.');

to this:


$dbconn = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
if (!$dbconn) {
    exit ('DB: '.mysql_error());

It's not recommended that you keep this change, though.  As a general rule, the public shouldn't see connection returns.  Unfortunately, most servers do not allow you to access the PHP error log, so the only way to get error messages other than custom log files is by printing them to the web browser.  Wacintaki's custom error log system isn't fully functional, yet.

Worst of all is that the server doesn't allow me to change file permissions.

Any pay site should give you FTP access, and FTP allows you to change file permissions.  You'll need an FTP client to do this properly (a list of free FTP clients is in the Wacintaki Manual).

If you're using a web-based file upload script, then you might not have the ability to change file permissions.  Sorry, but this won't do.  By default, files and folders uploaded to a server are not writable to scripts, and they must be changed so that they are writable.

05-21-2007 13:51:43

After agonizing for two solid weekends over getting this installed, I've finally gotten somewhere...sort of.  Further than I've ever been, so far.

If I use the default "localhost" as the database domain, it says it can't connect to the MySQL server.  If I go into my host site's control panel and use their sql address as the database domain, I get an error saying that I need to upgrade MySQL.  (They're on 5 if memory serves correctly.  What then?)

Worst of all is that the server doesn't allow me to change file permissions.  I'm hosted through if that helps any.

Is there a work-around for this sort of thing?  I'm not sure what else to do and I hate giving up on it after finally getting this far.

Any other people hosted through GoDaddy who could help?  An oekaki board was one of the main things I wanted when I got my own webspace.

I'm new to databases, so forgive me if I'm really SLOW in comprehending them.  Any help would be greatly appreciated and if we can solve this problem in any way possible, I swear I'll send someone cookies as a reward for assisting me.

(And if I'm in the wrong part of the forum, could a mod please gently drop my topic into the correct area?  I'm confused by all this Wackintaki/Wax Poteto/Oekaki Poteto talk.  @_@)


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