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Topic review (newest first)

07-19-2005 23:32:11

After looking at the source code of what was generated, yes, but my concern is that it could be filtered out, or flat out rejected.

07-19-2005 15:08:11

Did someone use an IMG tag instead of a URL?

07-19-2005 12:20:51

Ah thank you, it worked like a charm.

I do have a seperate annoyance that may turn into a issue if used wrong, as I spotted this today while checking the registrations:

Edit: Oops, might help to link the image in question. XD

07-15-2005 05:10:48

There's a bug with manual registration approval in 1.2.0.  Get the 1.2.1 patch to fix this.

NOTE:  That patch only works for version 1.2.0!  For older versions of Wacintaki, get the appropriate patch.

07-14-2005 23:37:43

Great script mod btw, but ever since 1.2.0, I'd say about a week ago any new registrations no longer get the Draw/Anim flags, they only get the general user flag. I think this was about the same time I turned on the user time kill function so that accounts go boom after two weeks. It's an interesting error. Comments?

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