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05-18-2007 16:37:31

OK, just got notice from my hosting co. that they made network changes yesterday and had some issues from that. I'm not getting any more errors so that must have been it.


05-18-2007 03:24:22

Hmm... I don't think this can be fixed, because the LibPNG library that comes with PHP cannot be configured, and any CRC calculations are the responsibility of the applets.  Both PaintBBS and ShiPainter use embedded text in the PNG images they create.

Do you know if your server was recently updated with a new version of PHP?  It might be a recent problem because a new version of LibPNG might be verifying CRCs while older versions don't.

05-17-2007 15:50:17


I just found a bunch of these in my cgi error log:

libpng warning: tEXt: CRC error

This is something new - how can I fix?

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