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Topic review (newest first)

05-19-2007 22:17:24

Actually no.  I figured out the problem.  I ended up having to delete the current pictures folder and create a new one.  I wonder why I didn't think of that before.

05-17-2007 05:39:17

OK, try this beta patch and let me know if it fixes the issue.

This patch is for Wacintaki only.

1.3.7 beta

05-17-2007 04:37:36

I have a new sticky topic about this.  A fix is in the works.

05-16-2007 14:49:22

When anyone tries to submit a picture, it submits as it should, but on the page where you'd normally give the name of the picture and such, the picture doesn't appear.  Only the picture number is there, and when you click on that, it says the page doesn't exist.  I checked and it doesn't save them at all.  I thought I might need to CHMOD the pictures directory to something less restrictive so it would save them, but when I try, it doesn't let me.  It says, "Operation not permitted."

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