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Topic review (newest first)

05-17-2007 05:40:33

OK, try this beta patch and let me know if it fixes the issue.

This patch is for Wax Poteto only.

5.5.13 beta

05-16-2007 21:39:53

emailed you back their reply~

05-14-2007 04:16:32

I sent you an e-mail about this.  It's another pesky raw POST data issue with the applets, so you'll have to contact your sysadmin.

05-12-2007 04:58:50

Got it.  I'll take a look at it tomorrow.

05-10-2007 15:57:04

I uploaded it, they all seem okay.

So any idea what else is wrong? :x I'll msg you my ftp login and everything...

05-10-2007 03:15:40

I take it you don't have access to the PHP error log?  Most people don't, unfortunately.

I don't think this is a database problem, because a slot is being inserted into the database.  The problem is that the picture file isn't being saved.  I can't really tell what's going on, though, becuase your pictures folder is not public (403 when I try to view it).

Try downloading this file to check permissions on all the folders:  Permissions

If that checks out, there might be several pictures that are no longer writable, and therefore the files cannot be overwritten.  We'll check the permissions of the pictures folder, first.

05-09-2007 17:43:45

For some reason, when users(including myself when i tested it) tried to post their work, it comes out as an "x".

I'm not sure if it's a problem with the database itself, but it's quite possibly it. Even if it is... I have no clue how to fix it. I made sure that everything for CHMOD are set as 77, I expanded the amount of my "picutres to store". Nothing seem to work :x Which sortta kindda points to the remaining thing... the database... or something related to it? Help please X_x

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