NineChime forum

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04-28-2007 04:11:08

Naahh... it will not work!

Hmm... I don't recall typing that into the code.  wink

If almost everything is affected, chances are there's a database issue.  Sometimes the installer doesn't set up the database properly if there's additional security restrictions on the server, or the updater doesn't work the first time.

The easiest thing to do is post a link to the board, so I can register and see where things are failing.  Send me the link in an e-mail if you don't want to post a link publicly.

04-26-2007 14:49:40

Ok so everytime myself or one of my oekeki members tries to do basically anything (comment, submit a picture, recover a picture etc), we all get an error message saying: Naahh... it will not work!

We have no idea why. Any ideas??

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