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04-15-2007 21:06:13

I believe you mean Wax Poteto, right?  wink

Some installations of PHP don't like the "short tag" coding style used in OekakiPoteto and its clones.  Download this security file and upload it to your oekaki folder.  That should fix the problem if you have a UNIX/Linux server.


04-15-2007 12:15:31

When I go to finally install it the page has no words above the text boxes. At the top is says this:

\n"; } } function fix_range($low, $high, $number) { // Clip to a given range (no arrays. I'm lazy) // Don't confuse with PHP range() function! if ($number < $low) return $low; if ($number > $high) return $high; return $number; } // Prepare path input (UNIX/URI only) function strip_path($in) { // Strip trailing slash(es) $in = preg_replace ('/\/+$/', '', $in); // Strip root, but not backtick $in = preg_replace ('/^(\.\/)+/', '', $in); return $in; } // Init $gd_OK = 0; if (extension_loaded ('gd')) { // GDlib available! $gd_OK = 1; } if ($language == '') { $language = 'english'; include ('language/english.php'); } else { include ('language/'.$language.'.php'); } // Waccoon: Test main dir permissions if (!is_writable('.')) { echo $langop_install_error; exit; } //Delete database if ($mode == 'del') { require ('dbconn.php'); require ('config.php'); $result = mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix.'oekaki'); db_err($result); $result = mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix.'oekakichat'); db_err($result); $result = mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$OekakiPoteto_Prefix.'oekakicmt'); db_err($result); $result = mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$OekakiPoteto_Prefix.'oekakidta'); db_err($result); $result = mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix.'oekakionline'); db_err($result); $result = mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix.'oekakikill'); db_err($result); $result = mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix.'oekakimailbox'); db_err($result); $result = mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$OekakiPoteto_Prefix.'oekakimisc'); db_err($result); mysql_close ($dbconn); echo $langop_install_dbremove; } //User submits information if ($Submit == 'Submit') { // Create a dbconn.php file used to maintain database connections // Wac: Legacy support if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $apostrophes = '1'; } else { $apostrophes = '0'; } // Min/Max $scale_pix = fix_range(50, 300, $_POST['scale_pix']); $compress = fix_range(0, 100, $_POST['jpgcompressqual']); $av_x = fix_range(10, 100, $_POST['avatar_x']); $av_y = fix_range(10, 100, $_POST['avatar_y']); if ($_POST['ppage'] < 1) $_POST['ppage'] = 5; // Get rid of trailing slashes $OPpics = strip_path($_POST['OPpics']); $okurl = strip_path($_POST['okurl']); $avatar_folder = strip_path($_POST['avatar_folder']); // Fix e-mails $bbs_email = trim ($_POST['eaddr']); $admin_email = trim ($_POST['admin_email']); // Other verification $reg_draw = 'no'; $reg_anim = 'no'; $reg_upload = 'no'; if (!empty ($_POST['drawaccess'])) $reg_draw = 'yes'; if (!empty ($_POST['animationaccess'])) $reg_anim = 'yes'; if (!empty ($_POST['uploadaccess'])) $reg_upload = 'yes'; $db_configuration = << EOF; // EOF; //

I cant figure it out please help, I am using OekakiPoteto 5.x . HELP!

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