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Topic review (newest first)

04-11-2007 10:51:31

Just a few of my suggestion, which I feel could be implemented into Wacintaki, sorry if they have already been mentioned before:-

-- time in minutes translated into hours, perhaps days. e.g. Time: 4h 23 min
-- on uploads where are not made by an oekaki applet, for there to be an input box where the user can specify media
-- report button, so users can report pictures that break the rules easily to the admins (useful for large communities)
-- on the diagnostics, perhaps adding how much file space the picture folder currently takes (if that's possible)
-- mass-mailing to e-mails of users by owner
-- a pruning system which would allow you select members who have not logged on in x day, have x pictures, and / or x posts, and then delete the selected.
-- a template system to allow the editing of template (I guess the css file would have to be deleted if any changes are made to php file for the css file to be re-built)
-- something which allows the owner to insert new fields into the profile page without doing it manually
-- the cpanel seems to be too long -- tab to separate the content and make things easier to find?
-- categories for pictures (I've seen this implemented many times before on certain kakis)
-- keywords feature? for searching through the database.
-- could the board on which the person is on be logged in the who's online page again?

Just a few ideas.

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