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02-23-2007 07:14:19

Wow thank you so much! :3

If i translate it, do you want the french file? French is my birth language so it wont be translated like crap :3

And if it can help others ill be glad! X3

02-23-2007 07:12:05

There is currently no language translation for French.  Just open up "english.php" and edit each variable name.  Ther's directions at the top of the file that tell you what you need to know.

Also i was wondering, where and what file do we edit in order to make the bg fixed? (not moving with the page)

In one of your templates, you need to edit the "body" tag to include a few lines:


body {
    background-attachment: fixed; 
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background="{image path and name here}"
02-21-2007 09:18:29

I'd like to upload a french version of my oekaki. Is there any language file for french? And if there isn't how can i translate it?

Also i was wondering, where and what file do we edit in order to make the bg fixed? (not moving with the page)

Thank you! :3

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