NineChime forum

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Humanity test

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02-04-2007 21:10:45

Hmm...  somehow "modflags.php" got copied over your "error.php" file.  I replaced it.

02-04-2007 15:49:10

Hehe, I'm glad you still remembered me!

Well, it worked!

But sometimes(I asked other people to test it out also), it showed this:

Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /home/akutensh/domains/ on line 13

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/akutensh/domains/ in /home/akutensh/domains/ on line 128

02-04-2007 03:31:35

OK, I made a patch for "register.php" and "functions.php" that includes a humanity test.  It's a simple random number problem.

Ah, I remember your login... I'll put it right up.  To take a look, logout, and view the registration screen.

Let me know how it works out.  If this is fairly effective, I'll include it in a future release of the board.  I think it's about time I included a CAPTCHA test.

BTW, the reason why the IP address doesn't work is because spambots use proxies to hide their IP address.  It constantly changes, so you can't ban them.

02-03-2007 01:21:18

Hi, my board is "". And I've been having problems wtith spammers for the "view pending" part. I get people on the view pending list but they are mostly spammers, I get about 30+ of them daily.

I thought I would have fixed it when I upgraded "functions.php", so that I can ban IP's properly, but now the spams sign up without an IP! Please help!

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