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04-06-2006 08:13:44


I Believe that it will have version 1.3 (Wacintaki 1.3.0) smile

04-06-2006 06:58:54

Yes yes. Avatars <3

10-28-2005 06:16:27

I've tried using Kameloh's Iframe script, and my oekaki multiple boards. It works liek a charm. ^__^

See here:

10-07-2005 04:32:59

That's the primary reason I haven't added them, though there is an annoying problem with avatars when people have multiple boards, too.

10-06-2005 18:24:12

I can make it just making a little patch to register.php but why people want avatars, This is a paintboard and if you display avatar it's probably will mess up with the paintings..

07-20-2005 12:45:24

test wrote:

another cool idea for lil wxpoteo oekaki boards would be to share the possibility of designing templates(only accessable through the admin cp at the moment :(  )

You can tell the users who want to make templates to download a default template .php file and edit it, as well as supplying the needed graphics, and then upload it for them. The templates are quite easy to read and edit, so it shouldn't be too hard. - That's the way I have to do it with Wacintacki, after all.

The profile template dropdown box finds new templates automatically.

05-25-2005 22:19:01

You could have a message for those with more than one oekaki with the same members to have a single oekaki directory and that would be the root for all the oekaki folders and the avatars could be there? Like you could have a parent directory called "oekakis" and the ones inside could be like "avatars" "oekaki1" "oekaki2" etc.. That's just an idea though.. Well, good luck! smile

05-07-2005 07:12:41

another cool idea for lil wxpoteo oekaki boards would be to share the possibility of designing templates(only accessable through the admin cp at the moment sad  )
so u could store the individual templates for each person in a different folder u see what I mean??
no clue how that should work though
can't wait for the next release

05-06-2005 12:22:50

yeah do it....please :-)
would be highly appreciated here too :-)
I don't share oekaki databases either

05-02-2005 10:49:08

Could you make a separate MOD, for people who use only one oekaki who doesn't share a member database, so perhaps they could install the mod themselves?

Also, I don't know much about programing and such... why would it be dangerous to put the avatars outside of the oekaki? Surely they are just a venerable inside the oekaki folder as they would be in another folder outside of the oekaki folder.

Also, if you would sort out avatars, could you make a file size limit, and perhaps a dimension size limit that can be edited via admin cp?

Having avatars would be cool, but I'm not sure if it would be THAT necessary. But yeah, that's only my opinion.

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