NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

06-27-2007 01:44:29

were can i get a server to host the oekaki for me? seems to work quite well.
is there any free servers? if not how much does it cost? is free. c:
What do i need and stuff like that- You'll need the Wax Poteto stuffs that people have already told you about. c:
Hope I helped, and wasn't too late. xD

01-28-2007 00:14:36

Info for getting started:  Manual

01-27-2007 19:40:14

umm you can go to and its free. Or google, free hosting sites.

01-13-2007 14:23:33

i really what my ow oekaki but i really got some big problems :S i know how oekakis's ad such works pretty well , but i dot have a server of my ow to host it on

were can i get a server to host the oekaki for me?
is there any free servers? if not how much does it cost?
What do i need and stuff like that

i would appreciate any help <3

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