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01-07-2007 18:38:57

Sure thing.  Send the info here.

01-07-2007 09:26:48

Sorry to bother you waccoon, but if you could, could you do that for me if i gave you my ftp info? My ftp program isn't working right, right now. xP

Thanks in advance. (:

01-07-2007 00:28:52

OekakiPoteto and Wax Poteto are pretty much the same thing.  Download the Wacintaki distribution, and follow the directions for an upgrade in the "readme.html" file.

Most importantly, you'll have to create a "resource" folder and move some of your oekaki files in there.

And, yes, putting <?=$OekakiU?> in your notice will print the current username.

01-06-2007 15:49:22

i believe all you do is download the wacintaki zip from the main site and use update.php to update your oekaki. (not positive so don't take my word for it xD; )

and if you want to display a member's username in the notice, just use the <?=$OekakiU?> code. So it would be something like "Welcome back, <?=$OekakiU?>" and it would show "welcome back, [username]".

01-06-2007 14:19:24

Yea...I kinda wanted to upgrade my WaxPoteto...Can someone tell me if its possible? |D;

oh and btw, does anyone know how to make the logged in users name be displayed in the notice?

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