NineChime forum

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01-01-2007 10:10:36

thanks big_smile it worked

12-31-2006 05:01:00

ALLOW_ADDITIONAL_WIPS is located in the "hacks.php" file.  The default is 0.  If you want people to be able to have 5 WIPs at a time, set this value to 4.

Bear in mind that WIPs are automatically deleted after a certain amount of time, and there is no notifictaion system.  People do tend to forget about their pictures and lose them entirely.

12-30-2006 12:42:38

I was wondering if there was a way to allow people to still draw pictures while having a Work in Progress, until they reach a certain number (say.. five WIPs) then it blocks them from seeing the draw screen like it usually does?

I saw in the code on the Draw.php file, that you have "Allow Additional Wips" in the code but I couldn't find anything in the control panel. Was this a feature that was never finished? If so is there a way to activate it because I would like to allow my users to draw while still having a WIP.

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