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Topic review (newest first)

12-22-2006 03:29:52

For the most part, the fixes are no big deal.  However, there were issues with the language usage in the paint applets, so error messages would not be returned if a picture wasn't submit properly (the error messages are in the language files).  By deafult, the applets will forward to the comment screen if nothing is returned, so this could result in a lost picture if something goes wrong.

12-20-2006 13:10:33

Sweet, thanks Waccoon.  ^_^

12-20-2006 10:27:33

big_smile cool. i didnt know you were working on another one. now i wish i wasn't already so far into editing 1.3.5 >.>

are there any major differences or significant fixes?

12-20-2006 04:01:21

It certainly is.  However, keep in mind that it is based on code originally written by Theo Chakkapark, so both his and my names must remain intact in the source code.

1.3.6 is about to be relased, soon, BTW.  Given how long 1.3.5 lasted, this new version is likely to be final for a while, and would be the best base for any mods you're considering.  It's basicly done, but I'm testing it for a few more days on my own oekaki before I release it.

12-19-2006 13:00:06

Maybe a stupid question, but I want to make sure before I make any modifications.  Is Wacintaki free to modify to suit my needs?  I don't want to get in any trouble.  ^_^

Thanks.  smile

- Kit

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