NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

11-18-2006 23:46:35

I haven't added rules to Wax Poteto, yet.  I'm not sure when or if I'll get around to it.

11-18-2006 16:59:19

I don't know if this is more of a suggestion or a query, but my page really needs a button at the top that says "RULES". People are joining from direct links to the board, so even though I have a rules page on the sites corresponding to the oekaki, nobody knows the rules and/or they're breaking them. Most forums have them, and it would save a lot of grief. Is there already a way to do that? Would it just be editing the PHP pages or something?

In the future, it might be a good thing to add... on my forum, the rules page is forced up when people try to register, so that might be an even better idea.

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