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Topic review (newest first)

11-07-2006 05:09:22

Done.  I logged into your account to do it, though, so the board won't tell you that you have a new o-mail.  It will show up as unread, however.

11-06-2006 15:42:01

Um, i didn't get it on either, just o-mail me the info

11-05-2006 23:25:07

I sent it to both e-mails.  I've been having some trouble with my e-mail server, so if you didn't get it by now, let me know and I'll o-mail it to your oekaki mailbox.

11-05-2006 16:39:14

you could Try to o-mail me at the oekaki, or my hotmail,

or my new e-mail

10-26-2006 01:52:40

Everthing has been set up for a while, but  I've tried several times to send you required information via e-mail, and your mail server keeps rejecting it.  Is there another e-mail you can give me?  I can't print that information here, of course.

10-19-2006 15:17:41

okay, i e-mailed you the information you'll need,

10-19-2006 03:24:13

Well, I can, but it's a good idea to know how to use an FTP program to connect to your account and upload files, just in case you have to do any future maintenance.  I think FunPic also requires that FTP access be turned on and given a unique password (not your FunPic password) before you can connect.  Make sure you create that stuff and write it down.

If you know you want your own oekaki and can keep up with administration, e-mail me this infomation:

- E-Mail address for verifying accounts (usually, your own e-mail)
- Title for the board
- Owner account name/password.

The rest can be changed after the board is installed.

(My e-mail)

10-18-2006 18:48:01

Um, waccoon if i give you my Name and password, can you set up an oekaki for me? I honestly just dont know how to do it. Please help...

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