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08-31-2006 09:45:03

Thanks guys! That's exactly what I wanted to do. Thanks so much for the help!

And I know what you mean Waccoon. I love wacintaki because of the simplicity, everything else I've tried is really annoying to install and use.

Thanks again!

08-31-2006 04:21:48

A dedicated gallery system might suit you better, especially if you're considering having multiple sections of your gallery, or if you want to upload content other than pictures.  I haven't really found any I like, though.  "Gallery" is popular and supports comments, but it's a pain to install (at least the one I tried).

If you just want to disable the menus, open up "header.php" and search for // Start building menus.  This is where the menu links are defined.  There are two menu arrays, one for the left of the screen ($left_menu[]) and one for the right ($right_menu[]).  Just delete the ones you don't want, or put two forward slashes (//) at the beginning of each line to disable it.

To prevent someone from viewing the registration pages directly, you will have to remove the associated files from the server, such as "register.php".

Doing anything sophisticated requires you to install an AMP environment (Apache, MySQL, PHP) on your own computer, which is a fairly complete web server.  At the minimum, you should download PHP, and then you can use the commant line php -l "script.php" to check your PHP files for syntax errors.  That flag is a lower case L, as in Lawrence.  A decent text editor that supports auto-indent is a good idea, too.

08-30-2006 18:47:39

well if you just want it to be like a showcase of your artwork, you can remove the register link from the header and delete the register.php file so people cant register, and you can disable guest commenting so nobody can comment as guests. that's the easy, simple way out though.

08-30-2006 10:42:50

Oh! Thanks for replying! Well, I still wanted it online, I just don't want it to be a community board? Like, more like a place people can view my scribbles and comment if they want to. So I just want the community options to be invisible (I really don't know if its even possible) Running one on the HD is a clever idea though!

08-30-2006 09:40:43

I have a private oekaki, but it's located right on my hard drive.  I use XAMPP to run a local apache/mysql setup and just go to http://localhost/oekaki

You really don't need to rip out some of the community features of wacintaki for it to be operational as a private board.

08-30-2006 09:23:38

Hi! I'm not sure if this has been asked already, but I did take a look on the forum and couldn't find anything specific.

I would very much like to use Wacintaki (1.3.3) as a private board to draw on, but am unsure how to go about customizing. Basically I'd like it if I were able to get rid / disable most of the menu options on the main pages apart from the login, draw/upload, admin and view: drawings options (things a sole user would need)?

Thanks so much in advance for any help.

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