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Topic review (newest first)

07-11-2006 03:47:09

Some FTP clients will not copy files properly, and it's common for CHMOD numbers to be reported incorrectly, too.

I use CuteFTP, and it tends to "lose" data when overwriting old files with new ones.  It's really annoying.  If your connection pauses for a long time when copying lots of files, it may be a good idea to recopy the file that was being transferred during the pause.

07-10-2006 07:50:59

Eeep, sorry for posting it in the wrong fourm ^^;

I re-uploaded the paintsave.php file and now I can delete pictures. You're right, it didn't update properly and said it had 0kb. Hopefully now everything shall go smoothly. Thank you!

07-10-2006 04:45:17

This is the Wax Poteto support forum.  I hope you didn't accidently put a Wacintaki patch on Wax, or vice versa.

If not, you may have to re-upload the "paintsave.php" file, which contains this function call.  It's possible it didn't get updated properly.

07-09-2006 21:10:34

I'm having a problem with my oekaki. I just upgraded it to the newest version and everytime I try to delete pictures I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: kill_picture_slot() in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/p/h/a/phantomstigmata/htdocs/oekaki/functions.php on line 1156

And also whenever I try to send a picture, it sends it "fine". What I mean is that it says it sent it but then when I go to type in the comment, title, etc for it I see a picture there that isn't it, no matter how many times I refresh, etc it's still there. So I tried deleting the original picture that looks like that and that's where the error above comes in.

Is there any way to fix this?

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