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05-18-2005 16:38:32

Waccoon wrote:

Sigh.  Sized thumbnails don't work with JPEG uploads.  I'm going to have to change the database so OP knows what filetype it's dealing with.

I really don't want to do that, but the alternative is to drop JPEG support altogether.  Given all the thumbnail rebuilding problems people are having (where the script takes too much time to run), I suppose I should work on v5.6.

sorry u_u
If I weren't that much involved in phpBB CMS Mod I would take some time to solve this by myself ....

05-18-2005 15:17:51

Sigh.  Sized thumbnails don't work with JPEG uploads.  I'm going to have to change the database so OP knows what filetype it's dealing with.

I really don't want to do that, but the alternative is to drop JPEG support altogether.  Given all the thumbnail rebuilding problems people are having (where the script takes too much time to run), I suppose I should work on v5.6.

05-18-2005 10:05:05

  and here i am back again...
and a new problem is on my back, hope you could solve it quickly

After uploading a new picture the link to the full sized is always .png, even if a .jpg file is uploaded, so the picture couldn't be found.

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