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05-07-2005 21:27:46

Cool! No more contents error, but now it gets a new one when attempting to use the file uploads. Probably for the same reason.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare decode_birthday() in /{oekaki location}/common.php on line 156

05-07-2005 20:07:29

OK, try this file.  Anyone else getting errors with an undefined "file_get_contents()" and Wacintaki 1.1.5 can try this, too.  It'll be officially fixed in 1.2.


05-06-2005 12:14:15

Ahhh. That'd do it. Okay, thanks.

05-06-2005 12:07:09

Your server must support PHP version 4.3 or higher.  I'll see if I can make a wrapper function, as that's the proper way to do it.

05-06-2005 10:43:56

Hey, Wac. Guess who? Your favorite "it's broke!" person. ;)

Tried to upload a file, and get the error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_get_contents() in /{oekaki location}/functions.php on line 882" after hitting the upload button, after choosing the picture and user.

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