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05-23-2006 12:19:53

I was thinking of perhaps adding a 'keywords' check box selection menu. You could then add it to the database as a new field. Then just choosing an option to cetegorise the results through the keywords instead of through the default picture view system.

As for what you wanted Jei, I could manage to code up something for you. E-mail me at diana.rulez[at] . Mind you, it would just be a little checkbox on the upload page, and the user would still be able to retouch with that applet that they've chosen.

05-02-2006 02:40:28

Not without quite a few modifications.  The datatype number (applet type) determines which applet is used to retouch a picture, and OekakiPoteto assumes that every picture can be edited somehow, since it never really supported uploads.  Just adding a type of "upload" proved to be too much trouble for me to bother, because lots of things have to change all over the place.

I'll keep this in mind with my new board.  I've noticed a lot of community gallery systems allow you to specify a category for your images for easy searching.

05-01-2006 17:18:31

Is it possible to at the Upload Area to change the words "Applet Type" to something else, and add in options into the selection box?
For example, right now it says, Shi Painter Pro, Shi Painter, and PaintBBS. And I would like to add the choice Pencil Sketch.
And pencil would display under the picture on the main page.


And is it possible to categorize these selections? x_X

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