NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

04-24-2006 04:50:55

Your board is Wacintaki.  I removed that feature due to maintenance issues.

If you want to patch in the code, you need to copy all the script names from "online.php" in a Wax Poteto distribution, into "boot.php" in a Wacintaki distribution.  In a Wacintaki boot.php, search for this code...


$loc = 'View';
if (strstr ($my_script, 'chat')) {
    $loc = 'chat';
} else {

...and replace it accordingly.

04-24-2006 03:15:03

When viewing the Who's Online page, it only displays the Username and Board. I want to know how to make it display the Pages the Users are on at the time, so any help is very appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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