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04-25-2006 04:50:57

Thanks for the clarification...everything is all fixed now.

04-25-2006 04:01:08

Ahhhhh... this IS a bug.  I never noticed this.

Basicly, the "normal" and "animated" checks have to be reversed, since both "oekakiBBS" and "oekakiBBSa" contain the substring "oekakiBBS".  As a result, a match is found with the "normal" version, and the "animated" script is never tested at all for a match.

Use this:


} elseif (strstr($my_script,'paintBBS')) {
    $loc = $langop_online_npaintbbs;
} elseif (strstr($my_script,'noteBBSa')) {
    $loc = $langop_online_aninbbs;
} elseif (strstr($my_script,'noteBBS')) {
    $loc = $langop_online_palpaintbbs;
} elseif (strstr($my_script,'oekakiBBSa')) {
    $loc = $langop_online_aniobbs;
} elseif (strstr($my_script,'oekakiBBS')) {
    $loc = $langop_online_nmrlobbs;

Oh yeah, and there's no distinction between animated ShiPainter and normal in the language file.  This is because there is only one script that handles both normal and animated ShiPainter, as well as the Pro version, so the location script cannot tell which way the applet is being used.  There is no easy or efficient way to fix this, other than making a second copy of the ShiPainter script, which isn't recommended as it can cause problems with retouch.

04-24-2006 06:44:46

Before getting to the ShiPainter part, this is what I checked. The english.php file and the parametres relating to $langop_online are all the same. It starts on line 806 and ends on line 819:

Line 806: //Animated NoteBBS
Line 807: $langop_online_aninbbs = "Animated NoteBBS";

Line 809: //Normal OekakiBBS
Line 810: $langop_online_nmrlobbs = "Normal OekakiBBS";

Line 812: //Animated OekakiBBS
Line 813: $langop_online_aniobbs = "Animated OekakiBBS";

Line 815: //Normal PaintBBS
Line 816: $langop_online_npaintbbs = "Normal PaintBBS";

Line 818: //Palette PaintBBS
Line 819: $langop_online_palpaintbbs = "Palette PaintBBS";

I also checked the online.php file starting on line 41 and ending on line 50 and they're all the intact:

Line 41: } elseif (strstr($my_script,'paintBBS')) {
Line 42: $loc = $langop_online_npaintbbs;
Line 43: } elseif (strstr($my_script,'noteBBS')) {
Line 44: $loc = $langop_online_palpaintbbs;
Line 45: } elseif (strstr($my_script,'noteBBSa')) {
Line 46: $loc = $langop_online_aninbbs;
Line 47: } elseif (strstr($my_script,'oekakiBBS')) {
Line 48: $loc = $langop_online_nmrlobbs;
Line 49: } elseif (strstr($my_script,'oekakiBBSa')) {
Line 50: $loc = $langop_online_aniobbs;

The names are intact, however, what's happening is that in the online.php file, it's not recognising "Animated NoteBBS" or "Animated OekakiBBS" at all in the "Location" field. Something else could be wrong with the noteBBSa.php and oekakiBBSa.php files.

04-24-2006 04:59:53

You have to edit the language file.  Open up "english.php" and search for anything that starts with "$langop_online"

04-24-2006 03:00:10

I've noticed that none of my members have done a drawing that plays animation but when I go to Draw >> PaintBBS: Animated it reads "Palette PaintBBS" instead of "Animated NoteBBS" and Draw >> OekakiBBS: Animated it reads "Normal OekakiBBS" instead of "Animated OekakiBBS".

Something is wrong with the Location field in the Who's Online window.

Additionally I want to be able to do the following when someone clicks the Online URL link that contains the Location field part of the Who's Online window:

1. When a user clicks on Draw >> ShiPainter: Normal, I want it to be able to read "Normal ShiPainter".
2. When a user clicks on Draw >> ShiPainter: Animated, I want it to be able to read "Animated ShiPainter".
3. When a user clicks on Draw >> ShiPainter Pro: Normal, I want it to be able to read "ShiPainter Pro".
4. And when a user clicks on Draw >> ShiPainter Pro: Animated, I want it to be able to read "Animated ShiPainter Pro".

How do I do all that?

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