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04-24-2006 05:04:34

Eek.  I forgot to add the password reset feature to Wax.

Well, you can do this either of two ways.  Try doing a password recovery through e-mail.  If that doesn't work for some reason, go into phpMyAdmin and look at the "op_oekaki" table.  Highlight the "usrpass" field for an account where you know the password, and copy it to the broken account.  The passwords for both accounts should then be the same.

The passwords are encrypted, so they will look like a garble of letters and numbers.

04-23-2006 21:01:10

okey, now i've cleared the cookies...and i can login in admin mod. but, when i login into user mode, i cant change the password for that user..when i changed the password, i can't login back over n over again.
how can i change the passwd in phpMyadmin? pls teach me... smile

04-23-2006 06:30:45

I assume you can't log into your admin account, either?  Chances are your browser cookies got messed up.  Try deleting the cookies from your web browser and try to login.  This is a common problem with OekakiPoteto.

04-23-2006 05:02:14

i'm using : Current OekakiPoteto Version Installed: 5.5.6 (Wax Poteto mod)

04-23-2006 04:58:40

I have changed my password, the normal user...not the admin or database passwrd..
and the wax goin' weird, it's cannot be enter login or register anymore...pls me!

my oekaki can be xs here :

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