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04-01-2006 21:58:00

mod_rewirite is activated by uploading a special file to your server.  If required, this file usually comes with forum or BBS software, so you don't have to worry about it.  Nobody really needs mod_rewrite to run a website.  It's just another tool.

As for e-mails, Wax 5.5.7 now allows people to register if the server doesn't support e-mail.  The three options are:

1) You approve each member manually, and they receive an e-mail notifying them that they have been approved.

2) They activate their own account via a link they get in their e-mail

3) If server e-mailing doesn't work, they are approved right away.

04-01-2006 13:25:32

hosting that will have an option of Mod_ReWrite that would not have to activate?

thanks for the nonwise explanation that that was:)

there would be some option to know if my servant allows the shipment of E-mails (New Registered) without creating another account to me? (Wax 5.5.7)

04-01-2006 07:45:46

No.  The oekaki boards do not benefit from mod_rewrite, and will work just fine with or without it.

mod_rewrite is a way to improve security, to make web addresses look better, and make permanent links easier to access.  It's popular with administrators for its power, but not required, and you really have to know what you are doing to use it.

It's best not to think about using it.  It's a real hacker's tool.  wink


...with a proper (complex?) rewrite rule might be interpreted by the server as:

It can also be used for stuff that has been moved, so going to may redirect to

03-31-2006 19:08:13


I am thinking about changing of hosting to one ke to me have recommended me i puts: "Mod_Rewrite" that is necessary to use Wax?


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