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04-04-2006 01:25:17

Uhh..soo..Thaks for help..Ouch..My

03-31-2006 05:38:29

Do you need help with uploading the files to the server (installation), or with uploading pictures?

If installing, take a look at manual.html in the documentation folder of the distribution.  It has some information specific to FTP, how server security works, and the process of uploading files.  I'll need more specific information as to what step of uploading the files has you confused.

As for uploading pictures to an installed board, note that you have to be an administrator or have the upload flag to upload pictures.

03-30-2006 19:38:11

o.o what are your problems specifically? Is it giving errors?

All you do to upload is go to the top navigation menu and click on upload. It will open a page where you will see a box with a "Browse" button next to it. This will open your harddrive and you select the picture from your harddrive and click ok.

Then you can set a title and comment.

Make sure the picture is a png, jpg or gif file. (I think Wacintaki supports gif)

03-30-2006 08:10:18

Yes!I have broblemo with upload it!Can someone help me?sad

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