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03-23-2006 06:05:19

For the interested, most oekaki applets support the ability to submit pictures as JPEGs if they exceed a certain filesize (in bytes).  Wacintaki calculates a compression ratio of .35 for images.  If they are below that threshold, they remain PNGs, but if they are larger than that, they become JPEGs.  To prevent images from becoming JPEGs at all, set "APPLET_NO_JPEG" to 1.

Note that if pictures have animations, the animation is used to rebuild the image, thus, further retouches should retain their full quality.  In general, using animation is a good idea when drawing anything.

03-22-2006 10:52:53

It worked, thanks much! smile

03-22-2006 05:49:03

First, open up the file "resource/hacks.php" and change this line:


define ('APPLET_NO_JPEG', 0);


define ('APPLET_NO_JPEG', 1);

This will disable JPEGs for the saved pictures, though thumbnails will still be saved as JPEGs for bandwidth reasons.

Second, for getting the PNG back, here's a little hack for you, but follow the directions very carefully:

From the Admin menu, select Edit Banner.  Somewhere in the banner or notice, add this line:


<? $sql_hack = mysql_query ("UPDATE {$OekakiPoteto_Prefix}oekakidta SET ptype='png' WHERE PIC_ID=6"); ?>

After submitting the banner, the picture should be fixed.  Then, go back to the banner editor and remove this line of code.  That should be it.

03-21-2006 23:40:09

During a re-touch a pic was saved as a jpg instead of png for some reason. Is there a way to change it back to png, and to make it so all pics are always saved as pngs?

Here's my board: The latest picture is the one with the problem (it's the only jpg on the board)

Thanks much.

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