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03-14-2006 10:17:13

Ohhh, yeah, I'm currently using a free host so there is a banner ad on the top of every page.  After uploading the htaccess file though, it gave me the internal server error mentioned in the readme.  So, I guess it's just not going to work on that server!  Once I'm able to I'm transferring the board to Dreamhost, and hopefully their servers won't give me any problems with animation/layers.  Have to put up with it for now I guess.

I just wanted to know what was going on, if it was something in particular with 1.2.6, because I used to use version 1.2.4 with my old host and that one was giving me trouble with the animation as well, though it was a different situation.

Thanks for your support!

03-14-2006 05:18:49

If the animations won't play in the animation viewers, then the problem is either corrupt animations, or the server isn't serving the files correctly.  You may need the animation banner fix, even if your site doesn't use banners ads:  Fix

If that doesn't fix it, I might need a link to your board to see what's up.

03-13-2006 21:53:52

First off let me just say that I am grateful to have come across Wacintaki because I prefer it over OP like you have no idea.  I'm using it as a private board until I finish my own.  There is one problem, however.  When I turn animation on for shi painter (and the pro version), it A) not load the animation after uploading the image (it stays at 0/5, even though the animation would have much more than 5 frames), and B) when trying to retouch the image, it doesn't load in the applet...instead a blank canvas in default size is in its place.  This doesn't happen when you save without animation, which I would be perfectly content doing, except I kinda need those layers still intact.  I searched this forum before posting and found this:

Even then, though, layers can't be guarenteed, as different versions of Java have problems reading PNG data properly, and whether the applet can import PNG data directly affects how animation data is processed.  OekakiBBS is also kinda flakey, as the applet is no longer being updated by the author.

There is a new version of ShiPainter, with greatly improved animation support.  I'll add that to Wax 5.5.3.

So is it the version of Java I'm using?  Both computers that I use the oekaki board on have the lastest version, I made sure of that before even installing the board.  Or maybe that's the problem, haha.  So, is there any possible solution to this problem?  'Cause I do a lot of linework and solids and when the layers are lost, I can't get under the lineart to colour it - have to take it to photoshop instead and that's always a pain in the ass.  Don't ask why but...I seem to find shi painter so much more practical than those big expensive programmes.

edit: oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'm using the lastest version, Wacintaki Poteto 1.2.6, if that wasn't clear. :P

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