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03-06-2006 15:32:00

I'll wate a couple of days till I change de server and install everything again and see if it was an error in the installation of the mod

in a few days I'll come back again and thanks for all

03-05-2006 21:56:15

A lot of files would have to be modified, so bear with me.

Technically, there shouldn't be a problem letting guests view the board, as Wacintaki uses $OekakiU and $OekakiPass to set the member flags, and then the flags are used to determine permissions throughout the script (OekakiPoteto uses $OekakiU and $OekakiPass only, and has no member flags except "G").  In Wacintaki, $OekakiU and $OekakiPass are set in the parent script, and then "boot.php" is loaded, where permissions are verified.  If the login is invalid, $OekakiU and $OekakiPass are flushed, and all member permissions are left blank.

In the phpBB mod, parent scripts import the phpBB preprocessors ("extensions" and "common") only.  $OekakiU is set to the phpBB table entry "$userdata['username']" in boot.php, and $OekakiPass is not used.  This means that by removing the login redirect from all the parent scripts (a lot of them), and verifying "$userdata['username']" in "boot.php", guests can view the board.

Now, there may be a good reason why Niko wrote the login redirect into the mod, but I don't see anything that requires it.

In boot.php...


// CHANGE THIS (line 97)
$OekakiU  = slashit($userdata['username']);

if ($userdata['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS) {
    $OekakiU = '';
} else {
    $OekakiU = $userdata['username'];

Then, open EVERY file, and look for this:


// redirects guests to login
if ($userdata['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
    redirect(append_sid("login.$phpEx?", true));

...and remove it.

That should be it, but log out of phpBB, and then browse a few "restricted" areas of the board to make sure that things are [not] working.

If this really does work, let me know.  There is a config option in phpBB that prevents unregistered people from viewing the board.  I don't know what it is, as phpBB stores config data in the database, but it would be nice to make viewing the oekaki board optional depending on the phpBB setting.  Technically, most of the phpBB mode code should also be in "boot.php", not in each entry point.

I'll take this stuff into account with my new oekaki board.  By observing how different forums manage their login info, it shouldn't be difficult to make modules that will read logins from all kinds of different forums, without having to make dedicated plugins for each forum or CMS.

03-05-2006 09:18:57

in order to enter you must be login

03-05-2006 01:33:26

Unregistered people cannot see pictures?  I've never tried Niko's patch, so I'm not sure what's happening here.  Does the board refuse to show the board at all?

03-04-2006 15:27:29


I have a phpbb forum in wich it has integrated the oekaki thank to Niko's hack and it's working fine, but here is my question:

How can i do to make it runnig for the user that they are nor registered, and allow them to see all the pictures?!

Thanks a lot

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