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04-23-2006 02:27:52

The ability to use multiple boards will only work with the new oekaki.  It's much too difficult to add that to OP, which is why I haven't bothered.

The greeting card things sounds cool.  That could be added as a module.

04-22-2006 22:50:33

Hi, i wanted to make a couple suggestions for wacintaki, but if you wanna take them for the new board wink

One is to be able to have categories, like "beginners/masters" or "chibi/realistic/other", "watercolors/pencil/etc" well i mean, as any webmaster wants and be able to move the drawings from one category to other (there are always users that don't follow the guidelines) smile

the second suggestion is to have the option of sending the drawings as ecards and be able to pick them up in the site, that would also bring new traffic/users to the board.

my two cents

04-20-2006 23:24:22

Can't wait for it to come out big_smile

I really like the idea of the "coloring book".  Very nice idea~  Hope things go well with your job =/

04-08-2006 05:11:34

These days I know better than to make big announcements.  The new oekaki will be ready when its ready.  Probably a year, though.  Major priorities of the project are to make it very small and easy to use.  There's not many oekaki systems out there, but the ones that do exist seem to be leaning towards communities, rather than home pages.  I think that's the wrong direction for oekaki.  I think they should be simple and spontaneous, more like guestbooks.

Wacintaki 1.3 has been delayed since my full-time job has not been going well, and I've run into a few admin issues, namely, some admins won't like the group project support without the ability to turn it off.  It'll be released when I've tested it properly, which means, at least two weeks after uploading new code to my own oekaki.  If I don't waste too much time this weekend fixing a computer (for $$$), I should be testing the final code by Monday.

Wax 5.5.8 will be the last version.  I'm no longer planning to make Wax 5.6.

04-07-2006 22:03:03

Hi Waccoon

it is possible to be known, as the project of new mod goes? ^^

that is interesting ^^

Some Date Next or something is known?

thanks smile

03-23-2006 12:04:57

I'm excited to hear about this! I've always liked OekakiPoteto (and Wacintaki, naturally), but I really want to see some fresh alternatives with different features.

I don't think I have a lot of input to offer on this project, though, because the things I want to see are largely community-orientated, since that's what my own oekaki board was. But I will suggest contests with guest/member voting, because my board had a lot of fun with that.

As a side note, I've got my own PHP oekaki project going on. It won't ever be released publicly; it's supposed to be a learning experience, but mostly I'm just mucking around and having fun. big_smile Hope that once you do get started, you have as much fun as I am (because then maybe it'd get done sooner ^_~ ).

03-23-2006 05:59:50

Sorry, I'm really, really bad at answering e-mail.  I just read it.  smile

Things like captchas requires extra software on the server.  I'm not sure if my host would allow that, and for the typical oekaki homepage, that would be difficult to get working.  As a module, it would work.  As a substitute, an encrypted form field would probably be OK.

As for deletion, yes, that's been something that I've been thinking about, because that's how the original OekakiBBS worked, and I liked that method.  Adding that to OP wouldn't be too hard, if there weren't so many different ways to do things.

03-21-2006 21:47:08

I sent you an e-mail a while back about two feature suggestions, but figured it might be more appropriate to post 'em here. Thus...

One thing that would be incredibly handy is the ability to turn captchas on and off for guest posting. I have no idea how easy this is to implement, but spam spiders seem to have decided that oekaki boards are fertile grounds for advertising pills and poker lately.

Another thing that would be useful is a more robust mass deletion interface for mods. The current setup for deleting comments doesn't really accommodate mass deletions, since the mod is redirected to the main index after every single comment deletion, which makes cleaning up entries without axing the picture (especially posts attacked by spiders) a pretty long and involved process. Any possibility that this could be changed to use checkboxes (or something similar) in the future?

03-18-2006 12:55:23

Advanced IP control would be nice. For example, the ability to look up memebers with a list of IPs that they've used to login to. A nice serach thing, where you can search comment / pictures / members via IP.

03-05-2006 02:11:16

Wow.  Good start.  Don't get your hopes up, though.  This thing is at least a year away, given how I code.  roll

siliconsara:  Although I do hope that the future layout doesn't look too "community-like".

My new board is absolutetly not going to be a full-blown CMS.  I prefer minimalistic tools that cover the basics.  If people want something complex, they can get OCELOT.  Besides, there's no way I can go head-on with the likes of 2draw.  I want something more like the original OekakiBBS that lets guests have fun.  Even artist searches and archiving don't really require membership if they're done properly.

As for the layout thing, why not use a html template system?

My #1 priority asside from a good database layer.  I've checked out a number of engines, like Smarty, and they are way too heavyweight for me.  I'll probably be borrowing a lot of code (or at least ideas) from Drupal.  The code quality in that board is absolutely amazing, and it's only a half-meg!  Truly a work of art.  I just wish installation was much easier.  wink

One danger with a template engine is that people have to learn a new language to make templates.  If people don't know HTML, it's likely a high-end, API-driven template engine won't be any help.  I intend to keep it pretty simple.  Working with UNIX has taught me a lot about proper text editing and search-replacement.

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