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Topic review (newest first)

03-04-2006 05:48:20

Proper integration requires both boards to be modified, so Wacintaki can fetch data from the IPB database, and IPB will actually "share" it (cookies/sessions set as root, shared membership information, etc).  It takes a bit of work, and I'm not too familiar with IPB.  I use pubBB, personally.

Niko has done a phpBB integration.  That would be a good starting point if you want to know more about how such an integration would work.

03-02-2006 04:09:35

Hi just wondering how easy it is to intergrate Wacintaki into a website powered by IPB. Can't seem to find any mods on it.

I mostly just need the oekaki to use the boards user database. I'm intergarating it into a 2.0.0 board currently and in the future into 2.1.5.

Help is highly appreciated.

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