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02-26-2006 16:37:28

Sure ^^

Let me make sure all my edits are up to date so you do not get old files. [just checked them, they are fine. Just download the files from the tempdir links I have posted above]

And yes, the files edited are from the 1.26 patch, so they will work for any wacintaki installation that has the patch installed. smile

You don't need to credit me, but the gesture is welcomed (hey, I'm not gonna refuse a free meal!).  Just link to and you will be set credit-wise if you so choose to go that route.

02-26-2006 15:46:12

awesome ^^ I'll definately try it out.

I also wouldn't mind hosting it for you. I can just give you credit on the download page ^^

02-26-2006 13:04:01

I just got done finishing this hack of sorts and I am happy to report that you *can* use Shi-Painter (both regular and pro) with DynamicPalette.

For those wondering how I found this out: I surf a lot of Japanese oekakis and I noticed that the ones who use Shi-Painter, they have DynamicPalette with it.  So, I took a look at their source files, both the javascript as well as how the applet code is set up.  There has been quite a few changes to the palette javascript as well as a very minor change to the applet code.

Here's a screenshot of my Shi-Painter screen with the hacks applied:

So, without further ado, here's the stuff that was edited:






I tested all of my edits on my local apache/Mysql setup on my Windows XP operating system.  I have no doubts that it will work for you if your webhost's operating system is something other than Windows.

PLEASE NOTE: THE FILES ABOVE ARE ONLY AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD 21 FROM THE DAY I UPLOADED THEM, WHICH IS FEB 26TH 2006.  If anyone is willing to host these files elsewhere who do not care about bandwidth, please feel free to do so.  My edits are open source, so Wac is more than welcome to use them for future installments of wacintaki.

Also!  The only downside is that for the gradation feature, the palette does not make use of the extra color spaces on Shi-Painter.  But, hey, at least now you can do any type of gradation on Shi-Painter!

Any problems or questions, reply here.  I subscribed to this thread, FYI.

And also, you can also post your problems and questions on the blog post for this hack here.  It's a chance I will see that first.  But only post in one place, not both.


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