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02-26-2006 21:23:43

OK, just read that in the faqs - weird thing is that I was able to restore a couple images that I deleted in the past, and so I thought it worked that way. Don't know how that happened? The ones without artist names appear to be layers of images done with ShiPainter before the script fix.
Thanks again for your help.

02-26-2006 05:57:26

You can't recover pics that have been deleted.  You may only "recover" pictures that have been caught in limbo due to a web browser crash while the image was being submitted.

If the picture belongs to you, no artist name is  given, just the word "recover".  If the picture belongs to someone else, a name will be printed.

If the pictures don't belong to you, and no artist name is printed, now that's a problem.  sad

02-25-2006 11:33:33

I tried to recover a pic that I had deleted yesterday, but when I went into picture recovery, there were only a few pics there - not the one from yesterday - just random pics from different dates. And most of them had no artist info. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks for your help

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