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Topic review (newest first)

02-20-2006 23:25:13


This is only a minor update, but it also fixes an annoying ShiPainter retouch issue with animations, which may cause the canvas to shift colors if pictures are edited repeatedly.

02-19-2006 05:39:03

1.3 is taking longer than I though (as usual), and with all the MySQL 5 issues that are popping up, I'll be releasing a quick 1.2.6 patch soon with a new installer.  Before I release 1.2.6, I'm looking through the rest of the code to see if there are other MySQL 5 issues that need to be fixed.

Realisticly, the installer is the only real problem, though.  If you're having trouble installing Wacintaki on your server, you can get the new 1.2.5 installer here:  *REMOVED*

UPDATE:  Wacintaki 1.2.6 has been posted.

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