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02-15-2006 13:45:48

Thank you very much for your help!

I finally (after 3 calls >.<) got someone to give me the missing information I needed- the mysql.secureserver.blabla was all wrong (the one they first gave me!)

So everything is installed and working now that I directed the install page to the correct host.

Looks great and works beautifully! Thanks for providing something so wonderful!

02-11-2006 05:22:43

This error is very common, and it's because of how most server control panels set up your user name when you set up your database.  I have a feeling I'll need to add this to the manual, even though this issue is specific to the server software.

Some control panels that set up your database may add a prefix without telling you.  For example, if I create a database called "my_db" on my server, it is automatically prefixed with [a clipped version of] my account name, as follows:  "ninechim_my_db".  The same can happen with your database user name.  On my server, if I create an account named "Marc", the end result would be "ninechim_Marc".

If the control panel for your web site does that, make sure you use the full name, with prefix, when using the installer.  How to figure out what the default prefix is depends on your server software, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.  Just take a look at the user list for the database.  If your server supports phpMyAdmin, the database name is shown in the menu on the left.

"localhost" appears to be correct for your ISP, because if there wasn't an SQL database available with that host name, you would get the error "Could not connect to the MySQL database", rather than a notification that your login is incorrect.


Yeah, these guys aren't too helpful!  wink

Assuming your server name is "", your account login is "kirichaan", your SQL username is "dbname", and your oekaki database is "oekaki" your information might look like this:


Use "localhost" for the hostname whenever possible, though.  It saves trouble and, I believe, improves performance.

02-09-2006 09:14:27


Thanks for pulling this lovely program together. After frequenting many long-standing oekaki boards, I'd like to put a semi-private one onto my website, for myself and guests ^^

I have followed your intructions up to the point of using the installation page. I checked all my CHMOD's and Im pretty confident all files are uploaded to my server correctly~

Last night I set up the mySQL database on my webhost- So as it stands I have an SQL database with no tables or data inside. (I am very new with the sql stuff so please bear with me T_T)

When I go to finish the installation, I recieve this sort of error:


Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: '********' (Using password: YES) in /home/content/K/r/i/KristiBonner/html/oekaki/dbconn.php on line 7
Cound not connect to the MySQL database.

I have used the default localhost, and when that didnt work I contacted my webhost to see if it was something on their side that possibly needed to be allowed and all they sent me was this:


//Sample Database Connection Syntax for PHP and MySQL.
//Connect To Database
$yourfield = "your_field";
mysql_connect($hostname,$username, $password) OR DIE ("<html><script language='JavaScript'<alert('Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.'),history.go(-1)</script></html>");
# Check If Record Exists
$query = "SELECT * FROM $usertable";
$result = mysql_query($query);
  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $name = $row["$yourfield"];
    echo "Name: ".$name."<br>";

From this line, I pulled the and plugged that in where localhost was, but I recieved the same "cannot connect" error.

JUST to be SURE it wasnt my installation goof up, I deleted everything and did the same process with Oekaki Poteto 5, and eventually ended up in the same boat. ^^;

As it stands now, I took off Oekaki Poteto and went back to Wakintaki (which is what I really wanted <3) but, Im at work on a mac, and cannot re-CHMOD the files right now.

Thanks for your time, I'm sure it's a simple thing, and I hope that you can arm me with some verbage that will get better results out of my webhost! xD

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