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Topic review (newest first)

01-31-2006 18:46:05

Thanks for the information and for creating this and give support, i've thought for a long time that potato is very much abandoned and didn't found anything close to it, now i practically bumped with this site and will follow the evolution, i'm sure it will be for good big_smile

01-31-2006 03:55:05

Breakdown is something like this:

Wacintaki is a rewrite of the code to support more features and be more stable.  Wax is more or less a tune-up.  I started working on Wacintaki a long time ago as a replacement for my own oekaki (previously running NoteBBS).  Wax was designed to be a drop-in fix for some of the problems with the original OekakiPoteto.

If you have an OekakiPoteto board and you're not sure what you need, try Wax first.  You can always upgrade to Wacintaki later.  Once you go to Wacintaki, you're stuck with it.

If you're installing a new board, Wacintaki works better and is easier to use.

- More features
- Lower bandwidth usage
- Redesigned menus
- Allows JPEG and GIF uploads

- Version 1.3 will also support avatars, group projects, and fix the horrid database issue that causes pictures to be deleted out-of-order.  I don't plan to port these changes to Wax (well, maybe).

- No update required.  Just copy the files
- Support for more languages than English
- Keeps the OekakiPoteto "look", along with rollover menus
- Template editor

01-30-2006 20:05:17

Hi, i'm user of oekaki poteto, and just found this and don't really understand the difference with poteto and the difference between these two, somebody could tell me? what do you recommend? what like more to the users?


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