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01-20-2006 06:51:03

Yay, That would be great if you do ^___^

01-19-2006 16:17:11

I was able to get collabs working on my board pretty much (with the help of a few people). I can try to make a step by step tutorial for it ^^

01-19-2006 04:43:12

I don't plan on doing it for Wax, at least not for a while.  Wacintaki is getting quite an overhaul to support passwords and public domain pictures, but major things have to be changed in the code so sorting/bumping isn't a problem.  I don't see much point in collabs if they get shuffled back a page quickly, and bumping them all the time wipes out other peoples' pictures.  The way OekakiPoteto sorts pictures isn't very reliable.

01-18-2006 15:53:36

Is it possible to make a collab feature in Wax? (like on the original Poteto -->

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