NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

02-24-2013 17:01:02

A quick look at that hosting service gives me the impression that only their own forum software will work.  Getting a premium membership allows you to remove advertising, but you can't install your own software, like an oekaki.

If you want a forum and an oekaki, you may have to get actual web hosting.  That's where you buy space on a server and have to set up all the software yourself.  A better idea might be to start a DeviantArt group.

02-24-2013 15:39:44

Would that do the same on freeforums?

i head if you pay to be premium you can add the oekaki onto the forums..
honestly 45$ a year is not bad

but i don't want member to have to join the forum and the oekaki just to draw

02-23-2013 15:48:13

Sorry, but forum software cannot be integrated into the oekaki.  If you install a forum on your server, it will be completely separate form the oekaki, and will require its own login and password.

02-23-2013 01:50:58

I currently have Wacintaki 1.5.13  for my oekaki is there a way to add a forum to the oekaki

would i do that on the cpanel of the hosting site? or how

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