NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

01-11-2013 04:52:04

Ah yeah, I didn't think about the photo number.  I guess I'll just close one, but keep it available as an archive to see past images.

01-11-2013 04:12:12

Not easily, because the images would have conflicting picture numbers, and there might be a lot of problems moving around the image files.  Even when two oekakis are sharing the same member profiles, the two boards have no awareness of each other or where their resource files are located.

01-09-2013 06:42:01

I split my board into a professional half and a doodle half, but activity has really fallen in the last two years.  They use the same user table, but is there any way to merge the doodle board into the main one?

Also I can't believe I've been registered here for seven years.  lol.

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