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01-05-2013 05:55:18

Yeah, it's really bizarre that they would disable table creation by default.  A lot of hosting services offer one-click installs of Wordpress and other popular scripts, so perhaps they disabled CREATE as a cheesy way to restrict people to only the pre-installed scripts.  That's all I can think of.

Anyway, I'm glad to see it working.  If you have any other questions, let me know.

01-04-2013 16:12:31

Here's the errors from the 1.5.14a version of update.php:

Starting update from Wacintaki 1.5.5 to 1.5.6.

[update.php > db_result() > 2206] CREATE command denied to user 'm_oekaki'@'localhost' for table 'op_oekakicache' [cache]

Update to Wacintaki 1.5.6 failed.

Errors occured during the update! Check your server and database permissions and try again. The update will not function properly until all errors are resolved. 1

AH!  That's much more informative.

Checking the permissions for that user, it has ALTER,DROP,INDEX,SELECT,DELETE,INSERT, and UPDATE, but not CREATE, nor CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES.
I enabled CREATE and CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES (just for good measure).  It managed to get through the rest of the update and my board is live again!  Thanks greatly!
Really odd that I've been able to use this for years without any trouble.  Maybe because I imported the schema from another server, and it hasn't really changed until now?

In any case, the rights denied to the oekaki user are: CREATE ROUTINE, CREATE VIEW, LOCK TABLES, TRIGGER, EXECUTE, REFERENCES, and SHOW VIEW
Let me know if any of those restrictions are likely to cause a problem with any of your code.

You know, every time I run into these issues, I'm more pleased with my ISP.  They really do give me a LOT of control.

01-01-2013 19:50:03

Well, the other possibilities are that your server is undergoing maintenance and permissions are temporarily suspended, the database connection is flaky, or a bunch of other things.  The new updater will check a few things and directly return SQL errors if something goes wrong, so just running the script should give us something more specific to go on.

Incidentally, MySQL will complain if you try to add a column that already exists, which is what the updater apparently is doing.  There's no easy way to silence or ignore those errors.  However, the code that creates the table has a clause to only create the table if it doesn't exist, and thus should never fail.  That's why the "cache" table error bothers me.  That shouldn't happen.

01-01-2013 18:32:15

Yeah, creating and deleting tables shouldn't be a superuser task.  Sounds to me like I need to grant "CREATE" to the oekaki user for the database (If I can)?  Or maybe I could manually create the tables, if I can find the structure in the upgrade.  I can (probably) fix whatever permissions are not right, if I know what they are.

01-01-2013 05:07:35

What bothers me about this is that "cache" is returning an error, which means the updater can't create a new table in the database named "cache".  That's very unusual.  All servers should allow a script to create tables.

Due to the massive numbers of conflicting server setups, it's difficult to make an updater that can verify permissions automatically.  Most of the time you just have to try something and see if it fails.  So, by default, the updater doesn't perform permission tests before it tries to do something.

I have a version of the updater that has a few extra tests and better error reporting, but it may complain about not being able to use the "SHOW" command, among other things.  Give it a try.  It probably still won't be able to create the "cahce" table, but it should print out some more specific messages so we can figure out why it can't even do something as simple as alter columns and add tables.  Just overwrite the old "update.php" with this new one.

Updater 1.5.14 alpha

12-31-2012 10:07:22

I had a functioning board which was at 1.5.3, and decided to bring it up to date.  I uploaded the full version, and started going through the update process.  It successfully add UTF to the database, but now it's hanging at the upgrade from 1.5.5 to 1.5.6.  Here is as far as it gets:
Starting update from Wacintaki 1.5.5 to 1.5.6.







Update to Wacintaki 1.5.6 failed.

Errors occured during the update! Check your server and database permissions and try again. The update will not function properly until all errors are resolved.


There are no errors in the server logs, and while I can check the permissions, without knowing what to check FOR, or what they should BE, it's not a very useful suggestion.  I know with some systems, I had to set everything "777" to do updates, but then there were OTHER programs which refuse to run with loose permissions (update.php seems to be one of them).  Any suggestions where to look for issues would be appreciated.

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