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Topic review (newest first)

09-23-2012 01:40:17

If I recall correctly, the default language for guests will always be the same as the language they have chosen for their web browser.  So, if your web browser is in English, that's the language the oekaki will use.  If your browser is set to Chinese Simplified, that's what the oekaki should use.  If you have your browser set to Chinese and the oekaki isn't using the correct language, let me know.

I forget if the registration screen remembers which language you have chosen when completing the registration process.  I'm not at home right now, so I'll have to look at the code later.

09-22-2012 13:54:17

I want to change the default language to Chinese (simplified) but even though I click submit, it stays english.

I'm using Wacintaki 1.5.12 here:
except for a little css styling, I am complete clueless. the only modification I made is to change the "Pinkish" theme's colors to the one I have now, and change the boxes so that they won't stretch.

Do I need to install a language pack or something? though, I thought that already came with the oekaki.


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