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07-06-2012 05:51:05

That's a reference to core dump.  It means that the picture was corrupted when it was submitted, probably due to a slow Internet connection or some other hiccup.  Rather than throw the data away, the board will save it as "dump.png".  The image is black because the web browser can't decode any of the data.  Sometimes, this file is useful for debugging purposes, especially if your server has a bizarre security policy.  Unless every picture fails to submit to your board, though, the dump file isn't very helpful.

When the board detects that an image is corrupt, it sends an error message to ShiPainter so that the artist can try submitting the picture again.  Sometimes that works, and sometimes it doesn't.  Unfortunately, I don't have the source code for ShiPainter, so I can't really improve the quality of the submission process.

If you like, you can safely delete the "dump.png" file.  There's no way to get the picture back.

07-04-2012 18:06:41

Earlier today someone was drawing on my oekaki, with shipainter, and when they submitted, the picture wasn't there, just a link to Pic #61.

I looked in the pictures folder and sure enough there is no pic 61, instead, the latest image created is a picture called dump.png, which is all solid black.

Both the artist and me are confused as to what happened.

I'm using Wacintaki 1.5.12 btw

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