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10-12-2012 02:33:55

I haven't done a real live test, but that tool should work with Wax as well, since both oekakis now use the same bootstrap and database.

In any case, both Wacintkai and Wax will soon be updated with the new GZIP compression feature, and I'll be sure to include the user rename feature, and perhaps some better flag management.

10-10-2012 13:48:24

Waccoon wrote:

Aha... I updated that tool a while ago to be compatible with Wacintaki 1.5.0, but never posted it.

Copy it to your oekaki folder and run it.  It's a simple tool with no menus or banner, and it will only work if you are already logged in as the owner.

Have you ported the ability to change the username without re-registering to WaxPoteto 5.8.9 yet?

10-10-2012 09:37:59

Thank you sir smile

Looking forward to the new version

10-09-2012 01:29:21

My bad.  I have to remember to keep these tools up to date.

I just updated the archive, so it should work now.

BTW, I'm almost ready to release 1.5.13, and I will probably add the rename tool to the oekaki officially.  It really is time to add some new features.

10-08-2012 14:15:26

Hello Waccoon!

I'm curious, does this tool work with the latest version? (1.5.12) I tried running it and got an error.

12-15-2011 04:19:01

Aha... I updated that tool a while ago to be compatible with Wacintaki 1.5.0, but never posted it.

(LINK: Obsolete.  Feature is now incorporated into Wacintaki)

Copy it to your oekaki folder and run it.  It's a simple tool with no menus or banner, and it will only work if you are already logged in as the owner.

12-14-2011 04:13:34

I am just wondering about this. I remember there was a code posted on here but can't find it and am not sure if it would work in this current edition?

Thank you for your response in advanced.,

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