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Topic review (newest first)

12-12-2011 02:16:38

As in, the installer will give you errors, or you're not sure how to upload files to the server and all that stuff?

Searching for a host is the trickiest part, especially if you're looking for free hosting.  In general, the oekaki isn't likely to work well unless you pay for hosting.

12-12-2011 01:08:51

i was using a diff oekaki tutorial i cant seem to find a web host that will work for me though =[

12-11-2011 22:06:39

Step-by-step install directions are in the manual, in section 3: … anual.html

It's a good idea to start reading at the beginning, though, as it will give you an overview of the host requirements.  The manual also includes a newbie guide, which will step you through FTP, CHMOD, and the other things you need to know to run a web site.

If you run into a problem with the directions, feel free to ask for more help.

12-11-2011 21:53:12

Hello i'm trying to make an oekaki site i have the program but i dont know how to upload it onto a site or what site can hold oekaki and how to get it to work

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