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Topic review (newest first)

03-29-2005 19:24:50

Fixed.  Many SQL tools don't work without a password, so I figured I'd make it mandatory in the installer.  I changed it to a notice, instead.

03-29-2005 07:57:23

Last night I was installing wacintaki poteto on my computer, because I like oekaki but I don't especially like having to go online every time to use it. However, I kept running into a problem: install.php kept on saying my MySQL settings were invalid but test_sql.php said they were correct!
I eventually figured out that this was because install.php wouldn't accept an empty password entry for the MySQL settings, and got around the problem by deleting the relevant verifying part, but it did take a while.
So my suggestion is, could you please modify wacintaki poteto to accept empty password entries or modify the error message in install.php so the exact problem is clearer? Thanks. I really appreciate your hard work on keeping oekakipoteto alive.

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